
Our main areas of work.

Circular economy and raw materials

The original task of waste disposal was and is to minimize the potential of organisms and substances that are hazardous to humans or the environment. In addition, waste should be used as secondary resources as materially as possible, otherwise energy-efficient, in order to conserve primary resources.
BZL GmbH has been dealing with numerous aspects of the circular economy for years, from ecological issues (substance flow analyses in the context of approval issues or vulnerability analyses, eco-balance issues, climate relevance of measures) to health aspects (occupational health, environmental hygiene) and questions from legislation and enforcement to acceptance and communication. In our most recent projects, we have focussed on hazardous substances in the circular economy, particularly in plastics, and their contribution to a sustainable circular economy.


Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances—Risk Cycle. Own project.

  • Lahl U, Zeschmar-Lahl B. Material Recycling of Plastics—A Challenge for Sustainability. Sustainability. 2024; 16(15):6630.
  • Lahl, U.; Zeschmar-Lahl, B. Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances – Risk Cycle. Preprints 2024, 2024070222.
  • Lahl U., Lechtenberg D., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): Kunststoffe in der Abfallwirtschaft – closing the loop? Österr. Wasser- und Abfallw. (2024) 76, 7–8.
  • Lahl U., Lechtenberg D., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): Kunststoffrecycling und gefährliche Stoffe – RISK CYCLE. Müll und Abfall 4, 195–204
    Beitrag basierend auf der Erstveröffentlichung in Abfallwirtschaft und Energie 1 ( 2024) Bezug über Müll und Abfall
  • Lahl U., Lechtenberg, D., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Kunststoffrecycling und gefährliche Stoffe – RISK CYCLE. In: Thiel S., Thomé-Kozmiensky E., Quicker P., Gosten A., Stengler E. (Hrsg.): Abfallwirtschaft und Energie 1, 458-480, 2024. Bezug über den Vivis-Verlag


PVC-Recycling – review after more than 30 years. Own project.

  • Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): More than 30 Years of PVC Recycling in Europe — A Critical Inventory. Sustainability 2024, 16 (9), 3854.
  • Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): More than 30 Years of PVC Recycling in Europe — Need for Regulation. Sustainability 2024, 16 (12), 4891.


Abfallmitverbrennung in Zementwerken. Sachverständigengutachten im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes. Autoren: Zeschmar-Lahl B. (Projektleitung), Schönberger H., Waltisberg J., UBA-Texte 202/2020.


Interfaces between chemicals, product and waste legislation. Cooperation project with Henning Friege, Beate Kummer, Klaus-Günter Steinhäuser and Joachim Wuttke.

  • Friege H., Kummer B., Steinhäuser K.-G., Wuttke J., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Tricky Relationships: Chemicals, Waste and Product Legislation. elni Review 2019, 39-40, ISSN 1618-2502.
  • Friege H., Kummer B., Steinhäuser K.-G., Wuttke J., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: How should we deal with the interfaces between chemicals, product and waste legislation? Environmental Sciences Europe volume 31, Article number: 51 (2019).
  • Friege H., Kummer B., Steinhäuser K.-G., Wuttke J., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Umgang mit Schnittstellen zwischen Chemikalien-, Produkt- und Abfallrecht. AbfallR 2, 66-82, 2019
    Article (in German)


Hazardous Substances in the “Circular Economy”. Cooperation project with Henning Friege and Andreas Borgmann.

  • Zeschmar-Lahl B., Friege H., Borgmann A.: Gefährliche Stoffe in der „Circular Economy“: III. Photovoltaik-Module auf Basis von Cadmiumtellurid. Müll und Abfall 2, 90-98, 2019.
    Description and how to get it 
  • Borgmann A., Friege H., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Gefährliche Stoffe in der „Circular Economy“: II. Cadmium in PVC-Fensterprofilen. Müll und Abfall 1, 38-41, 2019.
    Description and how to get it 
  • Friege H., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Borgmann A.: Gefährliche Stoffe in der „Circular Economy“: I. Ni/Cd-Akkumulatoren. Müll und Abfall 12, 626–632, 2018.
    Description and how to get it
  • Managing Cd Containing Waste – Caught by the Past, the Circular Economy Needs New Answers. Short study, Authors: Friege, H.; Zeschmar-Lahl, B.; Borgmann, A. Recycling 2018, 3, 18, doi:10.3390/recycling3020018


Background Report on Best Environmental Management Practice in the Waste Management Sector. Preparatory findings to support the development of an EMAS Sectoral Reference Document. Report for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Autoren: Zeschmar-Lahl B. (Projektleitung), Schoenberger H., Styles D., Galvez-Martos J.-L., May, 2016.


Strategies to combat “Marine Litter” in developing countries. Results of an expert survey (Delphi analysis) / (Strategien zur Bekämpfung von „Marine Litter“ in Entwicklungsländern. Ergebnisse einer Expertenbefragung (Delphi-Analyse). Study on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Erfolgskontrolle klimarelevanter Maßnahmen der Abfallwirtschaft in Abfallverbänden des Freistaates Sachsen. F+E-Vorhaben im Auftrag des Sächsischen Landesamtes für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Dresden, in Zusammenarbeit mit BIWA Consult, Freiberg, und Prof. Manfred Born (em.), Freiberg, November 2012. Schriftenreihe des LfULG, Heft 3/2013 


Consulting services on behalf of Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the environmental policy program, country: People’s Republic of Chinaa. More Information in section International Affairs.


Klimarelevanz und Energieeffizienz. Untersuchungen zur Klimarelevanz der Abfallwirtschaft in den Abfallverbänden des Freistaates Sachsen. F+E-Vorhaben im Auftrag des Sächsischen Landesamtes für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Dresden, in Zusammenarbeit mit BIWA Consult, Freiberg, und Prof. Manfred Born (em.), Freiberg. Freistaat Sachsen, Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (Hrsg.), 2009


Klimarelevanz der Abfallwirtschaft im Freistaat Sachsen. Gutachten im Auftrag des Sächsischen Landesamtes für Umwelt und Geologie, Dresden, in Zusammenarbeit mit BIWA Consult, Freiberg, 2001-2003.


Consulting services on behalf of the Austrian Federal Environmental Agency and the Austrian Ministry of the Environment

  • Mitverbrennung von hochkalorischen Fraktionen aus der MBA in Industrieanlagen. Studie im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes. Autoren: Onz S., Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Wien, Interner Bericht, IB-649, Mai 2001
  • Entwicklungspotentiale der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung – Eine ökologische Analyse. Autoren: Lahl, U.; Zeschmar-Lahl, B., Angerer T., UBA-Monographie M-125. Hrsg.: Umweltbundesamt, Wien, Juni 2000
    UBA-Monographie M-125 (in German)
  • Emissionsvergleich MBA/MVA. Datensammlung. Autoren: Häusler G., Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Umweltbundesamt Wien, Interner Bericht, IB-613, Wien, Juni 2000
  • Abluftemissionen aus der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung in Österreich. Autoren: Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Scheidl K., Scharf W., Konrad W., UBA-Monographie M-104. Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie, Wien, 1998
    UBA-Monographie M-104 (in German)
  • Restmüllmitverbrennung in Anlagen zur Zementerzeugung. Autoren: Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Stubenvoll J., Studie im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes, Wien, UBA-Bericht BE-097, September 1997.
    UBA-Bericht BE-097 (in German)

Publications (selection)

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2019): I.1. Waste as a resource. In: Wastewater Treatment Residues as Resources for Biorefinery Products and Biofuels. Ed. by Jose Antonio Olivares, Daniel Puyol, Juan Antonio Melero and Javier Dufour, ELSEVIER, November 2019.

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2018): Prerequisites for Public Acceptance of Waste-to-Energy Plants: Evidence from Germany and Indonesia. Makara Journal of Technology, [S.l.], v. 22, n. 1, 17-27, apr. 2018. ISSN 2356-4539. doi:10.7454/mst.v22i1.3555.

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Friege H. (2018): Entsorgung von Altmedikamenten aus Haushalten – klare und einheitliche Lösung erforderlich. Müll und Abfall 6, 310-320, 2018

Gálvez-Martos J.-L., Styles D., Schoenberger H., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2018): Construction and demolition waste best management practice in Europe. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 136, 2018, 166-178, ISSN 0921-3449.

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Morlok J., Schönberger H., Styles D., Galvez-Martos J.-L. (2017): Pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) – Verursacherbezogene Abfallgebührensysteme in der kommunalen Abfallwirtschaft: Best Practice-Beispiel Landkreis Aschaffenburg. Müll-Handbuch, Kz. 1561, Lfg. 1/17

Morlok J., Schönberger H., Styles D., Galvez-Martos J.-L., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2017): The impact of Pay-As-You-Throw schemes on municipal solid waste management: the exemplar case of the County of Aschaffenburg, Germany. Resources 2017, 6 (1), 8

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2017): Chemische Industrie: Wie die Abkehr von fossilen Rohstoffen gelingen kann. In: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hrsg.): Wirtschaft im Zukunfts-Check. So gelingt die grüne Transformation. oekom verlag München, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-3-96006-008-6, S. 57-85, 2017

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2017): Entsorgung von Altmedikamenten aus Haushalten in Deutschland – Stand 2017. Müll-Handbuch, Kz. 5034, Lfg. 2/17

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Tebert C. (2014): Vom Winde verweht. Die Quecksilberemissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken in Deutschland könnten durch Einführung des Standes der Technik um die Hälfte reduziert werden. ReSource 2, 32-40, 2014.

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Lahl U. (2014): Im Mahlstrom der Moderne. Das globale Problem „Marine Litter“ stellt die Abfallwirtschaft vor eine große Herausforderung. ReSource 1, 18-24, 2014.

Lahl U. (2013): Marine litter – why we need chemical answers. Lecture at Ecochem 2013 – The Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Event. Congress Center Basel, 19.11.2013.

Lahl, U., Zeschmar-Lahl, B. (2013): Risk based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale (risk cycle), extended producer responsibility and EU legislation. Environ Sci Eur 25, 3 (2013).

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2012): Verbesserung des stofflichen Recyclings mittels REACH. Müll-Handbuch Kz. 0145, Lfg. 3, 2012.

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2011): The Importance of Pollution Control for the Acceptance of Waste Treatment Facilities. In: WASTE MANAGEMENT, Volume 2, Hrsg.: Thomé-Kozmiensky K. J., Pelloni L., TK-Verlag, Neuruppin, 363-378, 2011.

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2011): Ökologischer Vergleich verschiedener Verfahren der Restabfallbehandlung – MBA-Konzepte und thermische Verfahren. In: Erneuerbare Energien, Band 5, Hrsg.: Thomé-Kozmiensky K. J., Beckmann M., TK-Verlag, Neuruppin, 111-132, 2011.

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2010): Klimaschutzszenarien 2050 – Herausforderungen für die Abfallwirtschaft. DepoTech2010, Leoben, 3.-5. November 2010.

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Lahl U. (2010): Abfallwirtschaft als Klimaschutz. Fachtagung der Universität Kassel/Die Stadtreiniger Kassel am 10. und 11. Juni 2010 in Kassel. Veröffentlicht im Tagungsband, Schriftenreihe des Fachgebietes Abfalltechnik an der Universität Kassel, UNIK-AT, Band 11, S. 41-51, 2010

Further references on our page

Energy and climate protection

In order to limit the global goal of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, or even no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, Germany wants to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% from 1990 levels by 2030 and become largely greenhouse gas neutral in the long term – by 2050. According to the Federal Government’s Climate Protection Plan 2050, the transformation of the energy industry is of central importance. Other fields of action are buildings, transport, industry, agriculture and others.

BZL GmbH has been dealing with many facets of energy supply and climate protection for years, such as climate-relevant and other emissions of energy supply, renewable energies, energy efficiency and resource protection,mobility, the circular economy or municipal climate protection.


Innovative fuels: Since August 2022, BZL GmbH has been advising HIF EMEA GmbH, a subsidiary of HIF Global, on issues relating to the production of innovative fuels.


Abfallmitverbrennung in Zementwerken. Sachverständigengutachten im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes. Autoren: Zeschmar-Lahl B. (Projektleitung), Schönberger H., Waltisberg J., UBA-Texte 202/2020.


Quecksilberemissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken in Deutschland – Stand der Technik der Emissionsminderung. Studie im Auftrag der Fraktion Bündnis 90/DIE GRÜNEN im Bundestag, April 2014.


Bioökonomie für den Klimaschutz. Regulative Handlungskorridore. Studie im Auftrag des Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)


Energieeffiziente neue Mobilität in Wien – Kurzfassung. Autoren: Frey H., Schopf J. M., Winder M., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Wien, Juni 2014


Optionen für die Gestaltung des Wiener Energiesystems der Zukunft. Studie im Auftrag der Wiener Stadtwerke Holding AG. Autoren: Haas R., Suna D., Loew T., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Wien, 2013


Förderung von Energieeffizienz und erneuerbaren Energien bei Endverbrauchern – Internationale Beispiele von Städten und Stadtwerken. Studie im Auftrag der Wiener Stadtwerke. Autoren: Suna D., Haas R., Loew T., Rohde F., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Wien, 2013


Herausforderung Energiearmut und der Beitrag der Wiener Stadtwerke. Hrsg.: Wiener Stadtwerke Holding AG. Autoren: Zeschmar-Lahl B., Loew T.: Wien 2013


Regulierungsvorschläge für die Beratungen des Europa-Parlaments über die neue EU-Gesetzgebung zum Thema iLUC (indirect Land Use Change). Die hier zum Download angebotenen Regulierungsvorschläge wurden für diese Diskussionen erstellt und sind im EP behandelt worden. Die Stärke dieser Vorschläge besteht darin, dass iLUC verursachergerecht an den Wurzeln des Problems bekämpft würde – in den Ländern, in denen die Regenwaldrodungen und die Umwandlung von kohlenstoffreichen Flächen betrieben wird. Download:


Erfolgskontrolle klimarelevanter Maßnahmen der Abfallwirtschaft in Abfallverbänden des Freistaates Sachsen. F+E-Vorhaben im Auftrag des Sächsischen Landesamtes für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Dresden, in Zusammenarbeit mit BIWA Consult, Freiberg, und Prof. Manfred Born (em.), Freiberg, November 2012. Schriftenreihe des LfULG, Heft 3/2013 


An Analysis of iLUC and Biofuels. Regional quantification of climaterelevant land use change and options for combating it. Study commissioned by BDBe e.V. and UFOP e.V., Oyten, 28.10.2010. Author: Lahl, U. 


Klimarelevanz und Energieeffizienz. Untersuchungen zur Klimarelevanz der Abfallwirtschaft in den Abfallverbänden des Freistaates Sachsen. F+E-Vorhaben im Auftrag des Sächsischen Landesamtes für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Dresden, in Zusammenarbeit mit BIWA Consult, Freiberg, und Prof. Manfred Born (em.), Freiberg. Freistaat Sachsen, Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (Hrsg.), 2009


Klimarelevanz der Abfallwirtschaft im Freistaat Sachsen. Gutachten im Auftrag des Sächsischen Landesamtes für Umwelt und Geologie, Dresden, in Zusammenarbeit mit BIWA Consult, Freiberg, 2001-2003.

Publications (selection)

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2019): I.1. Waste as a resource. In: Wastewater Treatment Residues as Resources for Biorefinery Products and Biofuels. Ed. by Jose Antonio Olivares, Daniel Puyol, Juan Antonio Melero and Javier Dufour, ELSEVIER, November 2019.

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2018): Prerequisites for Public Acceptance of Waste-to-Energy Plants: Evidence from Germany and Indonesia. Makara Journal of Technology, [S.l.], v. 22, n. 1, 17-27, apr. 2018. ISSN 2356-4539. doi:10.7454/mst.v22i1.3555.

Zeschmar-Lahl, B. (2017): Chemische Industrie: Wie die Abkehr von fossilen Rohstoffen gelingen kann. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hrsg.): Wirtschaft im Zukunfts-Check. So gelingt die grüne Transformation“. oekom verlag München, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-96006-008-6, S. 57-85, 2017.

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Tebert C. (2014): Vom Winde verweht. Die Quecksilberemissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken in Deutschland könnten durch Einführung des Standes der Technik um die Hälfte reduziert werden. ReSource 2, 32-40, 2014.

Wagner S., Ibold H., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Born M. (2013): Erfolgskontrolle klimarelevanter Maßnahmen der Abfallwirtschaft in Abfallverbänden des Freistaates Sachsen. Schriftenreihe des LfULG, Heft 3/2013

Lahl U. (2013): Vorschlag abgelehnt. Die EU-Kommission ist mit ihrer Biokraftstoffgesetzgebung zu “indirect Land Use Change” (iLUC) in erster Runde gescheitert. ReSource 4, 39‐46, 2013.

Lahl U., Pieprzyk B. (2013): Zusätzlicher Biomassebedarf für den Klimaschutz – Regulierungsvorschläge für Indirect Land Use Change. In: Dezentrale Energieversorgung. Hrsg.: Thomé-Kozmiensky K. J., Beckmann M., TK-Verlag, Neuruppin, 325-340, 2013.

Lahl U., Pieprzyk B. (2013): Nicht alles ist gut für die Quote. Ein zusätzlicher Biomassebedarf für den Klimaschutz erfordert effektive Regulierungen gegen unerwünschte Veränderungen der Landnutzung. ReSource 3, 4-10, 2013

Pieprzyk B., Lahl U. (2013): Looking back – an analysis of the development of the agricultural production and deforestation worldwide: an article on the current global iLUC-discussion. International Journal of Technology 1: 1-14, 2013

Lahl U., Pieprzyk B. (2012): iLUC – risks, remedies and regulations: The role of good governance for a sustainable development. Journal of Oil Palm &The Environment 3, 98-106, 2012.

Lahl U.; Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2012): Entkopplung statt ILUC-Faktoren. Energie aus Pflanzen 4, 50-52, 2012

Lahl U.: An analysis of iLUC and biofuels. Regional quantification of climate-relevant land use change and options for combating it. Sugar Industry 136 No. 4, 224-228, 2011

Pieprzyk B., Lahl U. (2011): Grundlage der Bewertung des Einsatzes von Biomasse in Klimaschutzszenarien. 87. Darmstädter Seminar Abfalltechnik: Biobasierte Produkte und Energie aus Biomasse. Darmstadt, 8.12.2011. SchrR IWAR Bd. 216, 7-36, 2011

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Lahl U. (2010): Ofen aus? Ohne verstärkten Ausbau der stofflichen Nutzung von Kohlenstoff können die Klimaschutzszenarien für 2050 das Ende der Abfall(mit)verbrennung bedeuten. ReSource 4, 4-10, 2010

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2010): Klimaschutzszenarien 2050 – Herausforderungen für die Abfallwirtschaft. DepoTech2010, Leoben, 3.-5. November 2010.

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Lahl U. (2010): Abfallwirtschaft als Klimaschutz. Fachtagung der Universität Kassel/Die Stadtreiniger Kassel am 10. und 11. Juni 2010 in Kassel. Veröffentlicht im Tagungsband, Schriftenreihe des Fachgebietes Abfalltechnik an der Universität Kassel, UNIK-AT, Band 11, S. 41-51, 2010

Further references on our pages

Chemical policy and sustainable chemistry

Chemical industry today has two faces. On the one hand, as a consumer of raw materials and energy, it is a major emitter and thus a cause of problems; on the other hand, “chemistry is sustainable if it makes a lasting contribution to sustainable development. A more precise definition of sustainable chemistry is not possible, because chemistry and its products are so diverse that there is always one specific aspect that is not hit, not hit correctly or not hit completely. Sustainable chemistry is both a path and a goal. It is not a new sub-discipline of chemistry, but a guiding principle that provides orientation. … Sustainable chemistry is based on the function required in each case. It requires knowledge of chemistry as a whole, goes far beyond the operational value chains and takes into account all those involved and affected along the life cycle of chemical products and their interaction. With this expanded view, the service concept (“chemistry for what and for whom”) comes to the fore as the basis of value creation … Sustainable chemistry opens up new business areas and offers manufacturers many advantages, e.g., when chemical leasing, services or digitization do not require production expansion or reduce the need for and thus dependence on raw materials….”(Prof. Klaus Kümmerer, 2017, translation by BZL GmbH).

BZL GmbH has been working on numerous aspects of (sustainable) chemistry for years, from chemical policy to international chemicals management and resource efficiency in the chemical industry. In our recent projects we have dealt with Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste (SMCW) and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management = SAICM, with the interfaces between chemicals, product and waste legislation, with green or sustainable chemistry or with hazardous substances in „Circular Economy“. In 2017 and 2018, BZL GmbH was involved in the preparation and implementation of two national preparatory workshops (= technical discussions) of the Federal Environment Agency on Emerging Policy Issues (EPI) in the context of SAICM (Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management).

The project “Beyond 2020: Sustainable Chemistry as orientation and pace maker for Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste (SMCW)”, commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency, aimed to develop indicators to measure progress towards sustainable chemistry and sustainability-oriented chemicals management. These indicators are intended to enable verification of progress towards the targets currently being developed and discussed as part of the SAICM and SMCW post-2020 intersessional process.


Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances—Risk Cycle. Own project.

  • Lahl U, Zeschmar-Lahl B. Material Recycling of Plastics—A Challenge for Sustainability. Sustainability. 2024; 16(15):6630.
  • Lahl, U.; Zeschmar-Lahl, B. Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances – Risk Cycle. Preprints 2024, 2024070222.
  • Lahl U., Lechtenberg D., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): Kunststoffe in der Abfallwirtschaft – closing the loop? Österr. Wasser- und Abfallw. (2024) 76, 7–8.
  • Lahl U., Lechtenberg D., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): Kunststoffrecycling und gefährliche Stoffe – RISK CYCLE. Müll und Abfall 4, 195–204
    Beitrag basierend auf der Erstveröffentlichung in Abfallwirtschaft und Energie 1 ( 2024) Bezug über Müll und Abfall
  • Lahl U., Lechtenberg, D., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Kunststoffrecycling und gefährliche Stoffe – RISK CYCLE. In: Thiel S., Thomé-Kozmiensky E., Quicker P., Gosten A., Stengler E. (Hrsg.): Abfallwirtschaft und Energie 1, 458-480, 2024. Bezug über den Vivis-Verlag


PVC-Recycling – review after more than 30 years. Own project.

  • Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): More than 30 Years of PVC Recycling in Europe — A Critical Inventory. Sustainability 2024, 16 (9), 3854.
  • Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2024): More than 30 Years of PVC Recycling in Europe — Need for Regulation. Sustainability 2024, 16 (12), 4891.


Carbon Capture and Utilization. Comments on the EU Commissions’s draft delegated act regarding the requirements for determining that greenhouse gases are permanently chemically bound in a product (COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX supplementing Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the requirements for considering that greenhouse gases have become permanently chemically bound in a product). This is about Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU).


Beyond 2020: Sustainable Chemistry as orientation and pace maker for Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste (SMCW). Commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency. Contractors are N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner, Voerde (project management), and  Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), Wuppertal, and, as subcontractors,  BZL GmbH and  Akademie Dr. Obladen, Berlin.

  • Final report: Friege H., Heidbüchel E., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Indicators for sustainable management of chemicals. Contributions to upcoming development work under the new Global Framework for Chemicals. Ed.: Umweltbundesamt.


Interfaces between chemicals, product and waste legislation (Schnittstellen zwischen Chemikalien-, Produkt- und Abfallrecht). Cooperation project with Henning Friege, Beate Kummer, Klaus-Günter Steinhäuser and Joachim Wuttke.

  • Friege H., Kummer B., Steinhäuser K.-G., Wuttke J., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Tricky Relationships: Chemicals, Waste and Product Legislation. elni Review 2019, 39-40, ISSN 1618-2502.
  • Friege H., Kummer B., Steinhäuser K.-G., Wuttke J., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: How should we deal with the interfaces between chemicals, product and waste legislation? Environmental Sciences Europe volume 31, Article number: 51 (2019).
  • Friege H., Kummer B., Steinhäuser K.-G., Wuttke J., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Umgang mit Schnittstellen zwischen Chemikalien-, Produkt- und Abfallrecht. AbfallR 2, 66-82, 2019
    Article (in German)


„Branchenanalyse: Herausforderungen und Bedarfe der Chemieindustrie und Kooperationspotenziale mit der GIZ“. Study commisioned by Germen GIZ, Eschborn, in cooperation with  N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner (project management: N3)


SAICM Emerging Policy Issue (EPI) Fachgespräche. UBA-Vorhaben, Projektnummer 83255, in cooperation with  N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner (project management: N3)


UFOPLAN-project Bundling of Expertise in the area of Sustainable Chemistry: Conceptualization and Establishment of an International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre. Project number 3715 65 499 0, in cooperation with N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner, Voerde, and DECHEMA, Frankfurt:

  • Friege, H., Förster, A., Zeschmar-Lahl, B.: Bundling of Expertise in the area of Sustainable Chemistry: Conceptualization and Establishment of an International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre. UBA-Texte 110/2017
    UBA-Texte 110/2017 (in German)
  • Bazzanella A., Friege H., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Identification of Priority Topics in the Field of Sustainable Chemistry. UBA-Texte 83/2017
    UBA-Texte 83/2017 (in German)
  • Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Sustainability initiatives and approaches in the chemical sector. UBA-Texte 82/2017
    UBA-Texte 82/2017 (in German)
  • Friege, H., Zeschmar-Lahl, B.: Beneficiary contributions of the concept of Sustainable Chemistry to the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management beyond 2020 – Policy paper as stimulus for the lunch dialogue during the First Meeting of the SAICM Intersessional Process in Brasilia, 7-9 February 2017.
    Policy Paper
  • Fröhlich, T., Zeschmar-Lahl, B.: The link between sustainable chemistry and sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle, with a view beyond 2020 and for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. March, 2017


Analyse von Ressourceneffizienzpotenzialen in KMU der chemischen Industrie. Study commissioned by VDI ZRE, Oktober 2014 (2. Auflage 2016, in German). Authors: Zettl E., Hawthorne C., Joas R., Lahl U., Litz B., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Joas A.


Consulting services for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

  • As part of the project Capacity Building and Support to the Chinese Ministry of Environment MEP Mercury Working Group on International Mercury Phase-out (Minamata Convention), Prof. Lahl participated in several meetings of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) and a working group on a Special Policy Study (SPS).
  • In the convention project on Chemical Safety, we contributed to a manual on hazardous waste disposal.
  • In the GIZ sector project Concepts for Sustainable Waste Management, we conducted a stakeholder survey (Delphi analysis) on the topic of strategies for combating marine litter in developing countries. Representatives of science, business, NGOs (environment) and administration/authorities from industrialized countries (Europe and USA) as well as from emerging and developing countries were involved.
  • We also prepared a policy paper for GIZ on Sustainable Chemistry / Green Chemistry considerations for the chemical policy discussion.


Going Green: Chemicals. Fields of action for a resource-efficient chemical industry. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin (Ed.): Publication Series on Ecology Vol. 19, November 2011

Publications (selection)

Vallette J., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2020): 3.2 Status quo of known health and environmental issues. In: Kummer B., Friege H., Ditkovskiy O., Cinquemani C. (Eds.): ISC3-Report – Workstream Sustainable Building and Living, Focus on Plastics, 33-37, 2020.

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2019): I.1. Waste as a resource. In: Wastewater Treatment Residues as Resources for Biorefinery Products and Biofuels. Ed. by Jose Antonio Olivares, Daniel Puyol, Juan Antonio Melero and Javier Dufour, ELSEVIER, November 2019.

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2017): Chemische Industrie: Wie die Abkehr von fossilen Rohstoffen gelingen kann. In: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hrsg.): Wirtschaft im Zukunfts-Check. So gelingt die grüne Transformation. oekom verlag München, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-3-96006-008-6, S. 57-85, 2017.

Lahl U., Kümmerer K. (2014): Sustainable Chemistry / Green Chemistry. Überlegungen für die chemiepolitische Diskussion. In: Beyer H. (Hrsg.) – Die Grünen | Europäische Freie Allianz im Europäischen Parlament: Giftfreies Europa, S. 83-94, 2014 (in German)

Zeschmar-Lahl B., Lahl U. (2014): Im Mahlstrom der Moderne. Das globale Problem „Marine Litter“ stellt die Abfallwirtschaft vor eine große Herausforderung. ReSource 1, 18-24, 2014.

Lahl U. (2013): Marine litter – why we need chemical answers. Lecture at Ecochem 2013 – The Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Event. Congress Center Basel, 19.11.2013.

Lahl, U., Zeschmar-Lahl, B. (2013): Risk based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale (risk cycle), extended producer responsibility and EU legislation. Environ Sci Eur 25, 3, 2013.

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2013): RISKCYCLE and EU Legislation. In: Bilitewski B., Darbra R.M., Barceló D. (Eds.): Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives II. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 23, 137-152, 2013.

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2012): RISKCYCLE and EU Legislation. RISKCYCLE – Risk Based Management of Chemicals and Products in a Circular Economy at a Global Scale. Beiträge zu Abfallwirtschaft/Altlasten Band 87, 201-212, 2012.

Lahl U., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2012): Verbesserung des stofflichen Recyclings mittels REACH. Müll-Handbuch Kz. 0145, Lfg. 3, 2012.

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2011): Von der Produktverantwortung zur Stoffverantwortung – Beispiel PVC-Industrie. In: Bilitewski B., Werner P., Rotter V. S., Janz A.: 20 Jahre Abfallwirtschaft, Herstellerverantwortung, Produktpolitik. Beiträge zu Abfallwirtschaft/Altlasten Bd. 79, 101-115, 2011

Lahl U. (2011): Wie “grün” kann Chemie heute sein? Waterkant 4, 29-30, 2011

Further references:


Careful and at the same time efficient use of natural resources will be a key competence of sustainable societies or companies. Natural resources are renewable and non-renewable primary raw materials for substantial use, energy resources (energy raw materials, flowing resources for energetic use, radiation energy), environmental media such as water, air, and land/soil used for agriculture and forestry, ecosystem services such as the sink function of environmental media (soil, water, air) and biodiversity (VDI ZRE: Natural Resources). In addition to non-renewable raw materials, the resources biodiversity and soil affected by erosion are considered non-renewable according to the Federal Environment Agency (UBA: Glossary on resource protection) (in German).

For years, BZL GmbH has been dealing with the various aspects of the use or utilization of resources, such as resource or energy efficiency, the use of waste as secondary raw materials, the utilization of environmental media or the protection and promotion of biodiversity. In this context, we have also been involved in the work of the VDI Zentrum Ressourcen Effizienz to standardize the methodology for determining resource efficiency.


Carbon Capture and Utilization. Comments on the EU Commissions’s draft delegated act regarding the requirements for determining that greenhouse gases are permanently chemically bound in a product (COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX supplementing Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the requirements for considering that greenhouse gases have become permanently chemically bound in a product). This is about Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU).


Abfallmitverbrennung in Zementwerken. Sachverständigengutachten im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes. Autoren: Zeschmar-Lahl B. (Projektleitung), Schönberger H., Waltisberg J, UBA-Texte 202/2020.


Promoting biodiversity at cemeteries. Assessment Report. Ed.: Wiener Stadtwerke, Authors: Lahl R., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Wien

2014 – 2016

Background Report on Best Environmental Management Practice in the Waste Management Sector. Preparatory findings to support the development of an EMAS Sectoral Reference Document. Report for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Autoren: Zeschmar-Lahl B. (Projektleitung), Schönberger H., Styles D., Galvez-Martos J.-L., May, 2016.


Evaluation der verfügbaren Datengrundlagen als Basis für eine Schwermetallstrategie in Nordrhein-Westfalen – Berichtspflichtige Betriebe nach E-PRTR-VO. Studie im Auftrag der Fraktion Bündnis 90/DIE GRÜNEN im Landtag Nordrhein-Westfalen.


Analyse von Ressourceneffizienzpotenzialen in KMU der chemischen Industrie. Studie im Auftrag des VDI ZRE, Oktober 2014 (2. Auflage 2016). Autoren: Zettl E., Hawthorne C., Joas R., Lahl U., Litz B., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Joas A.


Quecksilberemissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken in Deutschland – Stand der Technik der Emissionsminderung. Studie im Auftrag der Fraktion Bündnis 90/DIE GRÜNEN im Bundestag, April 2014.


Förderung der biologischen Vielfalt auf Friedhöfen. Sachstandsbericht. Hrsg.: Wiener Stadtwerke, Autoren: Lahl R., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Wien, November 2014


Energieeffiziente neue Mobilität in Wien – Kurzfassung. Autoren: Frey H., Schopf J. M., Winder M., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Wien, Juni 2014


Branchenleitfäden: Ressourceneffizienz in der Praxis. Abschlussbericht: Entwicklung eines Konzepts für Branchenleitfäden zur Ressourceneffizienz im produzierenden Gewerbe. Studie im Auftrag der VDI Zentrum Ressourcen Effizienz und Klimaschutz GmbH, März 2012


Participation in the work of the VDI to standardize the methodology for determining resource efficiency on behalf of the VDI Zentrum Ressourcen Effizienz GmbH.

  • Lahl U. (2012): Stand der Arbeiten des VDI zur Vereinheitlichung der Methodik zur Bestimmung der Ressourceneffizienz. 51. Tutzing-Symposium Abfall – Hinterlassenschaft oder Ressourcenreservoir? Tutzing, 23.4.2012.
    Presentation slides (in German)


Going Green: Chemicals Fields of Action for a Resourceefficient Chemical Industry. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin (Ed.): Schriften zur Ökologie Band 19, November 2011


Spielraum zur Festlegung von Richtlinien bzw. Normen betreffend Ressourceneffizienz und Klimaschutz. Studie erstellt im Auftrag der VDI Zentrum Ressourcen Effizienz GmbH, 2010

Publications (selection)

Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2017): Chemische Industrie: Wie die Abkehr von fossilen Rohstoffen gelingen kann. In: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hrsg.): Wirtschaft im Zukunfts-Check. So gelingt die grüne Transformation. oekom verlag München, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-3-96006-008-6, S. 57-85, 2017.

Schönberger H.; Tebert C.; Lahl U.: Expertenanhörung im Umweltausschuss. Fachleute nahmen Stellung zum Regierungsentwurf zur Umsetzung der EU-Industrieemissionsrichtlinie in deutsches Recht. ReSource 4, 4-11, 2012

Further references on our pages

Sustainability and CSR

“CSR is the responsibility of companies for their impact on society.”
EU Directive 2014/95/EU

In 2015, the United Nations adopted its 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. The SDGs explicitly call on all companies to use their creativity and innovation potential to meet the challenges of sustainable development. The expectations of many investors have also changed significantly: they no longer measure the success and performance of companies not only by EBITDA and shareholder value, but also increasingly by the so-called ESG criteria (environment, social and governance). Investors are also increasingly paying attention to how well companies are prepared for new requirements such as the transition to a low carbon economy, opportunities such as urbanisation or digitalisation, but also risks such as climate change or human rights problems in the supply chain. In the meantime, credit rating agencies and funds even assess companies according to their long-term value to society – e.g. what contribution they make to the achievement of individual SDGs. A corresponding rating is again attractive for companies, because they can benefit from more favourable financing conditions, for example.

Sources of information for investors and financial institutions, but also for civil society organisations, for example, are ratings, inclusion in appropriate funds and sustainability reports prepared in accordance with international standards. In the EU, the “CSR Directive” (Directive 2014/95/EU with regard to the disclosure of non-financial and diversity-related information) has also made to date purely voluntary reporting on ESG issues mandatory for large, listed companies. For many years, many companies that are aware of their social responsibility have already reported on these topics in their own sustainability reports or integrated annual reports.

For almost 25 years, BZL GmbH has been advising and supporting companies in setting up their sustainability management and in preparing their sustainability reports.

Wien Holding AG (since  2020)

BZL GmbH advises Wien Holding AG on the development of its sustainability management. It has also assisted in the preparation of the first sustainability-related information publications.

AUSTRO Control (2020-2022)

BZL GmbH has advised the Austrian air navigation service provider Austro Control 2020-2022 on environmental issues. The company sees itself as a pioneer for climate protection in air traffic and has set up an ambitious environmental program. With the Status Report Environment, Austro Control has reported for the first time on its own, direct environmental performance.

Wien Holding AG (since  2020)

BZL GmbH advises Wien Holding AG on the development of its sustainability management. It has also assisted in the preparation of the first sustainability-related information publications.

LINZ AG (2019-2022)

BZL GmbH advises LINZ AG on the development of its sustainability management. It also assisted in the preparation of the Environmental Report (D-I-N Report) 2019, the Sustainability Program (2020) and the Environmental and Sustainability Report 2021.

Wienerberger AG (since 2014)

Since 2014, BZL GmbH has been advising Wienerberger AG, Vienna, on the further development of its sustainability management. This includes support in the preparation of the report on non-financial performance in accordance with the Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG), in sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI standard and in the preparation of the Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact. At the Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA), the Wienerberger Sustainability Reports 2014 and 2018 achieved second place and the Sustainability Report 2016 even first place in the category “Large Companies”. In 2021, the Wienerberger Sustainability Report has won the renowned Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA) for the fifth time in a row in the “Large Companies and organizations” category. This year, the consistent and transparent implementation of the Sustainability Strategy 2023 was honored. Each year, the ASRA is awarded to companies that live up to the highest standards of sustainable business management and provide a transparent account of their activities in their sustainability reports.

Wiener Stadtwerke (2004-2016)

Since 2004, our company has been advising Wiener Stadtwerke on the further development of its sustainability management. This includes support in the preparation of the sustainability reports 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013 and 2015 as well as the Communications on Progress (CoP) for the UN Global Compact.
At the Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA) 2016, the Wiener Stadtwerke Sustainability Report 2015 achieved second place in the category “Large Companies”.

Aachener Stiftung Kathy Beys (2000-2015)

In 2000, we created the first German-language Internet encyclopedia of sustainability on behalf of the Kathy Beys Foundation in Aachen, Germany, and provided scientific support for it until 2015. “The encyclopedia was handed over to a sponsor committed to the common good at the end of 2016. The limits of a decades-old concept with, in particular, an interface in the image that is no longer common today became apparent. The continuing demand, especially from the educational sector, for a compact address for sustainability has led to the decision of the Foundation to leave it on the net in the status fixed as of 31.12.2015 as a purely historical reference.”

Kunststoffindustrie in Niedersachsen am Leitbild einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (Plastics industry in Lower Saxony on the guiding principle of sustainable development) (1997-1999)

From 1997 to 1999, Dr. Zeschmar-Lahl was a member of the Expert Commission on the Plastics Industry in Lower Saxony on the Model of Sustainable Development convened by the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Environment, where she represented the bench of NGOs (in this case: Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)) represented. The results of the work of this commission can be found on our page Studien (in German).

Sustainability Reports

Wienerberger AG (scientific advice):

Wiener Stadtwerke (scientific consulting and text production):

  • Sustainability Reports 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013 and 2015
  • Wiener Stadtwerke: Impulse für die Stadt (2015) (Corporate brochure, in German)

Publications (selection)

  • Zeschmar-Lahl B. (2017): Sustainability initiatives and approaches in the chemical sector. UBA-Texte 82/2017.
  • Kossina I., Zeschmar-Lahl B. (Hrsg.) (2005): Nachhaltige Unternehmen – Strategien 2010. Mit Vorworten von Bundespräsident Dr. Heinz Fischer und Bürgermeister Dr. Michael Häupl. Verleger: Wiener Stadtwerke Holding AG. ISBN: 978 3 901983 72-4.

Further references in sections/on pages

International affairs

Addressing global environmental problems such as climate change or the ubiquitous spread of pollutants such as mercury or POPs requires a common, coordinated approach at international level. BZL GmbH offers technical support in the development of policy goals, strategies and programmes as well as their implementation.


On behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency, N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner, Voerde (project management), the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), Wuppertal, and, as subcontractors, BZL GmbH and Akademie Dr. Obladen, Berlin, are conducting the project Beyond 2020: Sustainable Chemistry as orientation and pace maker for Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste (SMCW). More on the following section/pages:


In 2017 and 2018, BZL GmbH was involved in the preparation and implementation of two national preparatory workshops (= technical discussions) of the Federal Environment Agency on Emerging Policy Issues (EPI) in the context of SAICM (Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management). More about this in the section Chemical policy and sustainable chemistry.


From 2015 to 2017, BZL GmbH was a consortium partner in the UFOPLAN project Bundling of Expertise in the area of Sustainable Chemistry: Conceptualization and Establishment of an International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre. More about this in the section Chemical policy and sustainable chemistry.


From 2014 to 2016, BZL GmbH (project management) together with E3 Environmental Consultants Ltd, Aberdeen, prepared the Background Report on Best Environmental Management Practice in the Waste Management Sector on behalf of the Joint Research Centre of the EU Commission. Read more in the section Circular economy and raw materials.


In the years 2010 to 2013, BZL GmbH provided various consulting services on behalf of the German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the program Environmental Policy, Country: People’s Republic of China:

  • Within the scope of consulting on issues of wastewater and waste technology as well as immission control/air quality, we have prepared various expert reports, participated in workshops in China and prepared and conducted several study tours in Germany and Austria.
  • As part of the project Capacity Building and Support to the Chinese Ministry of Environment MEP Mercury Working Group on International Mercury Phase-out (Minamata Convention), Prof. Lahl participated in several meetings of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) and a working group on a Special Policy Study (SPS).
  • In the convention project on Chemical Safety, we contributed to a manual on hazardous waste disposal.
  • In the GIZ sector project Concepts for Sustainable Waste Management, we conducted a stakeholder survey (Delphi analysis) on the topic of strategies for combating marine litter in developing countries. Representatives of science, business, NGOs (environment) and administration/authorities from industrialized countries (Europe and USA) as well as from emerging and developing countries were involved.
  • We also prepared a policy paper for GIZ on Sustainable Chemistry / Green Chemistry considerations for the chemical policy discussion.


From 2002 to 2009, we represented the bank of environmental NGOs in the Working Committee on Secondary Fuels (NA 062-05-83 AA) at the DIN Standards Committee on Materials Testing (NA 062) and at the European level in Working Group 3 (Sampling, sample reduction and supplementary test methods) of CEN/TC 343 – Solid Recovered Fuels.

Further references can be found in sections Chemical policy and sustainable chemistry and economy and raw materials as well as on our pages