About Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl

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So far Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl has created 457 blog entries.

Current versions of Technical Rules for Biological Agents (TRBA) 213 and 214 published

July 16, 2021 On July 13, 2021, the new version of TRBA 213 Waste collection: protective measures, and the supplement and amendment to TRBA 214 Waste treatment and recovery facilities were published in the Joint Ministerial Gazette. Both are available for download on the BAUA website. Dr. Zeschmar-Lahl participated in the further development of the two TRBA as a member of the ABAS Subcommittee 2 and its Waste Management Working Group. New version of TRBA 213 “Waste Collection: Protective Measures” The existing TRBA 213 has been fundamentally revised and published as a new version. It applies to waste collection activities that may be associated with exposure to biological agents and describes protective measures to reduce the health hazards to employees. In addition to the scope of application, definitions, determination of information and risk assessment and protective measures, a section on occupational health services has been added. Reference: GMBl. No. 41 of July 13, 2021, p. 900-907. Additions and amendments to TRBA 214 “Facilities for the treatment and recovery of waste” The existing TRBA 214 has been supplemented in particular by Section 6 Occupational health services and Annex 3 Protective measures during the incineration of waste with the code number 18 01 03*, which arises during the care of patients with pathogens of risk group 4. Reference: GMBl. No. 41 of July 13, 2021, p. 907-911.

TRBA 213, BAUA website
TRBA 214, BAUA website

2020 Wienerberger Sustainability Report available

June 30, 2021

For several years, we have been advising Wienerberger AG on the further development of its sustainability management. This includes scientific advice on the preparation of the report on non-financial performance in accordance with the Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG), on sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI standard and on the preparation of the Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact. The Wienerberger Sustainability Report 2020 has been available for download on the company’s website since June 30, 2021.


Habilitation treatise by Dr. Harald Schönberger publicly accessible

June 25, 2021

On June 25, 2021, the habilitation treatise of Dr. Harald Schönberger was uploaded to the online platform Uni Stuttgart (OPUS). Thus, one of the sources cited in our expert report on waste co-incineration in cement plants is finally publicly accessible.

  • Schönberger H. (2021): State of the art of the co-incineration of waste-derived fuels and raw materials in clinker/cement plants. Habilitation Treatise, accepted by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management.
  • Zeschmar-Lahl B., Schönberger H., Waltisberg J.: Sachverständigengutachten  Abfallmitverbrennung in Zementwerken, UBA-Texte 202/2020.
OPUS (online-Plattform Uni Stuttgart)
DOWNLOAD UBA-Texte 202/2020

The new European database for chemicals of concern: How useful is SCIP for waste management?

Copyright Logo und Banner: European Chemicals Agency

April 22, 2021

The interface between chemicals and waste legislation is a major problem for the desired circular economy. In order to be able to reuse or recycle more waste, more information is needed about its composition and pollutant load. In their latest paper, Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl, Beate Kummer and Jörg Wagner have investigated as examples some important products from different industries with different complexity and pollutant problems such as PVC flooring, used tires, Li batteries in electronic devices and others to learn more about real improvements for the recycling industry. The results have now been published in Sustainable Chemistry & Pharmacy.


SCIP database
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy

How useful is SCIP for waste management? (in German)

Copyright Logo und Banner: European Chemicals Agency

19th February 2021

SCIP is the new European database for substances of concern. It is controversial in the recycling industry. What is the reason for this? The article by Beate Kummer, Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl and Jörg Wagner has now also been published in RECYCLING magazin 02/2021.


SCIP database

How useful is SCIP for waste management? (in German)

Copyright logo and banner: European Chemicals Agency

15th February 2021 SCIP is the new European database for substances of concern. It is controversial in the recycling industry. What is the reason for this? Beate Kummer, Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl and Jörg Wagner address this question in a guest commentary in 320° – Deutschlands Online-Magazin für die Recyclingwirtschaft (in German).


SCIP database

ISC3-Report – Workstream Sustainable Building and Living, Focus on Plastics

8th February 2021

In 2019/2020, ISC3 initiated a dialogue with various stakeholders worldwide as part of its Workstream Sustainable Building and Living, Focus on Plastics. The final report now available was prepared on the basis of international thematic workshops, interviews, online surveys and contributions from experts. We contributed to the preparation of chapter 3.2 Status quo of known health and environmental issues.




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