The Use of (Q)SAR Methods in the Context of REACH (2008)
Lahl U., Gundert-Remy U.: The Use of (Q)SAR Methods in the Context of REACH. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods,18:2-3, 149-158, 2008.
Lahl U., Gundert-Remy U.: The Use of (Q)SAR Methods in the Context of REACH. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods,18:2-3, 149-158, 2008.
Lahl U.: Sintering plants of steel industry – PCCD/F emission status and perspectives. Chemosphere, Volume 29, Issues 9–11, November–December 1994, Pages 1939-1945
Sintering plants of steel industry – PCCD/F emission status and perspectives.
Claus F., Lahl U.: Synthetische Nanopartikel – Entwicklungschancen im Dialog. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 18(3), 180.
Lahl U., Steven W.: Feinstaub – eine gesundheitspolitische Herausforderung. Pneumologie 2005; 59(10): 704-714
Fricke M., Lahl U.: Risikobewertung von Perfluortensiden als Beitrag zur aktuellen Diskussion zum REACH-Dossier der EU-Kommission. UWSF – Z Umweltchem Ökotox 17 (1), 36–49, 2005
Lahl U., Tickner J.: Defizite im amerikanischen und europäischen Chemikalienrecht. Zeitschrift für Stoffrecht, Jahrgang 1 (2004), Ausgabe 4,156-170
German Version: Defizite im amerikanischen und europäischen Chemikalienrecht
Precursor paper in English: Deficits in US and European chemicals legislation – reform efforts and the transatlantic openness for dialogue
Führ M., Lahl U.: Self-responsibility as a regulatory concept – as illustrated by the REACh decision-making process. The Environmental Law and Policy at the Turn of the 21st Century. Liber amicorum Betty Gebers. Editors: Thomas Ormond/Martin Führ/Regine Barth, Berlin 2006, 334 pages, ISBN 978-3-936232-77-6
Book: Table of Content:
Lahl U., Hawxwell A.K.: REACH — The New European Chemicals Law. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 40, 7115-7121, 2006
Lahl U.: REACH — Assessment of the political agreement. elni Review 2007, Issue 1, pp. 34-38.
See also: elni-archives
4 May 2023
Prof. Dr. habil. Uwe Lahl, Senior Expert for Innovative Fuels, gave a presentation on the question “Are eFuels really inefficient?” at the meeting of the Vehicle and Transport Technology Working Group at the VDI Württembergischer Ingenieurverein e.V. on the topic “Future of Mobility”.
You can download the slides of the presentation via the link below.