SAICM post-2020: Final report published (UBA-Texte 79/2024)


April 30, 2024

At the end of September 2023, the World Conference on Chemicals (ICCM5) decided on the follow-up framework for SAICM by adopting the Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC). The GFC aims to ensure the sustainable use of chemicals worldwide throughout their entire life cycle, including the products and waste produced from them. In this study, indicators were developed using the concept of sustainable chemistry. To this end, established indicators were screened for their applicability and characterized on the basis of criteria. The criteria take into account, among other things, relevance, clarity, measurability and availability of data as well as important criteria of sustainable chemistry.

The contractors were N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner, Voerde (project management), and the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), Wuppertal, as well as BZL GmbH and Akademie Dr. Obladen, Berlin, as subcontractors. The final report on the project was published on the Federal Environment Agency’s website at the end of April 2024:

Friege H., Heidbüchel E., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Indicators for sustainable management of chemicals. Contributions to upcoming development work under the new Global Framework for Chemicals. Ed.: Umweltbundesamt.


Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances – Risk Cycle (Müll und Abfall, 2024)

April 19, 2024

The updated article by Prof. Dr. habil. Uwe Lahl and his two co-authors on the topic of “Plastics recycling and hazardous substances – risk cycle” has been published in the  journal Müll und Abfall 4, 2024.

The production of new plastic articles has become increasingly demanding in terms of polymers and additive formulations. Can the recycling of mixed packaging plastics even meet today’s requirements for new products? We believe this is illusory. An honest assessment of the performance of post-consumer (PC) recycling of plastic packaging (packaging sold vs. recyclates in new products) for Germany shows: The result of quantitative material recycling is rather meager (perhaps 20%) and the recycled products are of inferior quality. Due to the overwhelming amount of data on hazardous substances (“legacy additives”) in plastic recyclates, we recommend that they no longer be used in consumer-related products (children’s toys, food contact materials/packaging, interior products, textiles, etc.).

Below you will find a link to the order form at Erich Schmidt Verlag.



Müll und Abfall 4, 2024

Wienerberger publishes combined Annual and Sustainability Report 2023

Quelle: Dma wb, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


March 25, 2024

We have been advising Wienerberger AG on the further development of its sustainability management for several years. This includes scientific advice on the preparation of the report on non-financial performance in accordance with the Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG) and sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI standard; this was also the case for the combined Annual and Sustainability Report 2023, which has been available for download on Wienerberger’s website since March 25, 2024.



Microsite Annual and Sustainability Report 2023

Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances – Risk Cycle (BKAWE, 2024)


February 8,  2024

The article by Prof. Dr. habil. Uwe Lahl and his two co-authors on the subject of “Plastics recycling and hazardous substances – Risk Cycle” (in German: Kunststoffrecycling und gefährliche Stoffe – Risk Cycle) has been published in the proceedings of the Berlin Conference on Waste Management and Energy – “Abfallwirtschaft und Energie 1” – by TK-Verlag.

Referring to current studies and scientific publications, the authors argue that the use of post-consumer recyclates (from packaging or technical products) for the manufacture of products with direct contact to humans should be discontinued for the time being. This applies in particular to children’s toys, food contact material (FCM)/packaging, indoor products and synthetic fibers.

Packaging should rather be collected unmixed in a controlled manner via extended deposit and return systems and sent for high-quality material recycling (closed loop, same product types such as PET bottles to PET bottles, PET trays to PET trays).

In the medium term, the existing separate collection of lightweight packaging could be converted into a dry collection of recyclable materials, for example to include plastics that were previously not recyclable or difficult to recycle (e.g. technical plastic products) and make them available for chemical recycling.

Below you will find a link to order the conference proceedings and to download the presentation at the conference in German and English.



Abfallwirtschaft und Energie 1 (2024)
Presentation (DE)
Presentation (EN)

Antriebswende: Chemische Energien (2023)

December 31, 2023

In December 2023, the book “Antriebswende”, edited by Baden-Württemberg’s Minister for Transport Winfried Hermann, was published by the Molino-Verlag (only in German). Our expert for innovative fuels, Uwe Lahl, contributed the chapter on “Chemical energies”.

Unfortunately, a mistake has crept into the text on page 71. “Conclusion on efficiency” should start with:

Die Flächeneffizienz ist ein “pro” für das ICE. Hingegen ist die Antriebseffizienz das zentrale »pro«, was für das BEV spricht.
(The space efficiency is a “pro” for the ICE. Propulsion efficiency, on the other hand, is the key “pro” in favor of the BEV.)

ICE = Internal Combustion Engine
BEV = Battery Electric Vehicle


NanoDialog of the Federal Government: Report on the final conference published

December 18, 2023

On June 22 and 23, 2023, international experts came together in Berlin for a two-day conference entitled How the world deals with materials at the nano scale. This conference marked the end of the German government’s NanoDialog. This internationally unique stakeholder dialog on the opportunities and risks of nanotechnologies was initiated by Prof. Dr. habil. Uwe Lahl, Head of the Department of Immission Control and Health, Plant Safety and Transport, Chemical Safety at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, and Matthias Machnig, then State Secretary at the BMU (now BMUV), and successfully continued by the Federal Ministry for the Environment for many years. The conference report has now been published in German and English on the BMUV website. You can download the reports via the links below.
DOWNLOAD Conference report (DE)
DOWNLOAD Conference report (EN)

Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances – Risk Cycle

January 30, 2024

Prof. Dr. habil. Uwe Lahl, Senior Expert for the chemical recycling of post-consumer plastic waste, will give a presentation on “Plastics Recycling and Hazardous Substances – Risk Cycle” (Kunststoffrecycling und gefährliche Stoffe – Risk Cycle) at the Berlin Conference on Waste Management and Energy and will take part in the subsequent panel discussion on the “Future of the Circular Economy”. You can download the program flyer via the link below.



DOWNLOAD Programme flyer

SAICM post-2020: 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden

May 2023

With this project, having started in the beginning of 2020, the German SAICM Focal Point, located at the German Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environment Agency, Dessau), wants to make a forward-looking contribution to the “Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste” (SMCW) by developing indicators and milestones to support the concrete achievement of objectives within the concept of sustainable chemistry.

The contractors are N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner, Voerde (project management), and the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), Wuppertal, as well as in a subcontract the BZL GmbH and the Akademie Dr. Obladen, Berlin. On 22 May 2023, important methodological approaches and results of the project were presented to a broad professional audience at the 77th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference in Dresden, namely in Session 1: Sustainable Chemistry – A bigger picture 1/2:

  • Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl, Esther Heidbüchel, Christopher Blum: An overview of appropriate indicators of waste aspects for measuring sustainability in international chemicals management.
  • Esther Heidbüchel, Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl, Christopher Blum: An overview of appropriate indicators of financial and economic aspects for measuring sustainability in international chemicals management.

More about the project and the background on the website of the Federal Environment Agency:


Are eFuels really inefficient?

4 May 2023

Prof. Dr. habil. Uwe Lahl, Senior Expert for Innovative Fuels, gave a presentation on the question “Are eFuels really inefficient?” at the meeting of the Vehicle and Transport Technology Working Group at the VDI Württembergischer Ingenieurverein e.V. on the topic “Future of Mobility”.

You can download the slides of the presentation via the link below.

DOWNLOAD Presentation (in German)

Wienerberger publishes combined Annual and Sustainability Report 2022

March 27, 2023 We have been advising Wienerberger AG on the further development of its sustainability management for several years. This includes scientific advice on the preparation of the report on non-financial performance in accordance with the Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG) and sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI standard; this was also the case for the combined Annual and Sustainability Report 2022, which has been available for download on Wienerberger’s website since March 27, 2023.


Microsite Annual and Sustainability Report 2022
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