The new European database for chemicals of concern: How useful is SCIP for waste management?

Copyright Logo und Banner: European Chemicals Agency

April 22, 2021

The interface between chemicals and waste legislation is a major problem for the desired circular economy. In order to be able to reuse or recycle more waste, more information is needed about its composition and pollutant load. In their latest paper, Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl, Beate Kummer and Jörg Wagner have investigated as examples some important products from different industries with different complexity and pollutant problems such as PVC flooring, used tires, Li batteries in electronic devices and others to learn more about real improvements for the recycling industry. The results have now been published in Sustainable Chemistry & Pharmacy.


SCIP database
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy

How useful is SCIP for waste management? (in German)

Copyright Logo und Banner: European Chemicals Agency

19th February 2021

SCIP is the new European database for substances of concern. It is controversial in the recycling industry. What is the reason for this? The article by Beate Kummer, Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl and Jörg Wagner has now also been published in RECYCLING magazin 02/2021.


SCIP database

How useful is SCIP for waste management? (in German)

Copyright logo and banner: European Chemicals Agency

15th February 2021 SCIP is the new European database for substances of concern. It is controversial in the recycling industry. What is the reason for this? Beate Kummer, Henning Friege, Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl and Jörg Wagner address this question in a guest commentary in 320° – Deutschlands Online-Magazin für die Recyclingwirtschaft (in German).


SCIP database

ISC3-Report – Workstream Sustainable Building and Living, Focus on Plastics

8th February 2021

In 2019/2020, ISC3 initiated a dialogue with various stakeholders worldwide as part of its Workstream Sustainable Building and Living, Focus on Plastics. The final report now available was prepared on the basis of international thematic workshops, interviews, online surveys and contributions from experts. We contributed to the preparation of chapter 3.2 Status quo of known health and environmental issues.




2020 Most Downloaded Paper Award

January 13, 2021

After the 2020 Most Cited Paper Award, Resources, Conservation & Recycling (RCR) has now also given us the 2020 Most Downloaded Paper Award for our contribution “Construction and demolition waste best management practice in Europe”. The award recognizes work that was published in RCR in a specific year (in this case 2018) and the highest number of downloads or full article views (ScienceDirect ) have received.


Abstract and subscription option

2020 Most Cited Paper Award

07. Januar 2021

Resources, Conservation & Recycling (RCR) hat uns den 2020 Most Cited Paper Award für unseren Beitrag „Construction and demolition waste best management practice in Europe“ verliehen. Mit dem Award werden Arbeiten ausgezeichnet, die in einem bestimmten Jahr (in diesem Fall 2018) in RCR veröffentlicht wurden und in den folgenden drei Jahren einschließlich des Jahres der Veröffentlichung (in diesem Fall 2018-2020) die höchste Anzahl an Zitierungen (Web of Science) erhalten haben.


Abstract and subscription option

LINZ AG Environment and Sustainability Program published

3rd December 2020

About one year after publishing its first environmental report, LINZ AG has published its first environmental and sustainability program. It was again scientifically advised by Dipl.-Ing. Isabella Kossina and Dr. Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl.

DOWNLOAD PDF (in German)

3rd place in the Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA) for the 2019 Wienerberger Sustainability Update

6th November 2020

As in previous years, BZL GmbH provided Wienerberger AG with scientific advice for the preparation of its sustainability report. The 2019 Wienerberger Sustainability Update was awarded third place in the “Large Companies” category of the Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA) on November 5, 2020. This award is sponsored annually by the Chamber of Certified Public Accountants in cooperation with the Institute of Austrian Certified Public Accountants, the Ministry of Life, the Federal Environment Agency, the Confederation of Austrian Industries, respACT (the Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development), the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, and the Austrian Society for Environment and Technology.  


Edition 1/20 of the Müll-Handbuch published (German)

9th October 2020

The edition includes the following contributions:

Wichmann M.: Legal aspects of street cleaning and winter maintenance in cities and towns – Status 2020 (in German). Müll-Handbuch, Ref. 3910, Ed. 1/20. Information and download options:


Merten M., Gusik F.: Leachate Treatment 2.0 (in German). Müll-Handbuch, Ref. 4327, Ed. 1/20. Information and download options:


Schmidt S.-O., Sindram M.: Lime based sorbents in Flue Gas Cleaning at waste to energy (WtE) plants (in German). Müll-Handbuch, Ref. 7406, Ed. 1/20. Information and download options:


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