
Studies and projects can be found under “References”.

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Practical Concepts to Minimize the Emission of Halogenated Organic Compounds from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators (DIOXIN ’92, 1992)

Jager J., Wilken M., Beyer A., Rakel H., Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Practical Concepts to Minimize the Emission of Halogenated Organic Compounds from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators. Lecture, DIOXIN ’92, 24.-28.8.1992, Tampere (SF)

Recycling of waste foundry sands (1992)

Lahl U.: Recycling of waste foundry sands. The Science of the Total Environment 114, 185-193, 1992

Soil Contamination with PCDD/PCDF and other Organohalogen Compounds in Bitterfeld/Wolfen (former GDR) (1992)

Wilken M., Cornelsen B., Fabarius G., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Jager J.: Soil Contamination with PCDD/PCDF and other Organohalogen Compounds in Bitterfeld/Wolfen (former GDR). Lecture, DIOXIN’92, 24.-28.8.1992, Tampere (SF)

What are non-agricultural pesticides? (1992)

Zeschmar-Lahl B.: What are non-agricultural pesticides? PAN Dossier No. 4: Pesticides in Europe at the Edge of the Twentieth Century. Proceedings of the European PAN Conference, Brussels, 16.-18.1.1992, 16-22, 1992

PCCD/PCDF balance of different municipal waste management methods (1991)

Lahl U., Wilken M., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Jager J.: PCCD/PCDF balance of different municipal waste management methods. Chemosphere 23 (8-10), 1481-1489, 1991

Distribution of PCDD/PCDF and other organochlorine compounds in different municipal solid waste fractions (1991)

Wilken M., Cornelsen B., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Jager J.: Distribution of PCDD/PCDF and other organochlorine compounds in different municipal solid waste fractions. Poster P 103, Dioxin ’91, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, September 1991

PCDD/PCDF immission by a municipal waste incinerator – results of a luff/lee study (1991)

Böske J., Ehmann J., Kurz R., Lahl U.: PCDD/PCDF immission by a municipal waste incinerator – results of a luff/lee study. Poster P 101, DIOXIN’91, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, September 1991

Facette der Chlorchemie (III) (1991)

Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Facette der Chlorchemie (III). Müllmagazin 4, 55-60, 1991

Fernlehrbriefe zum Fernlehrgang Umweltberatung (1991)

Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Farben, Lacke, Holzschutzmittel und Klebstoffe. Fernlehrbrief 17 zum Fernlehrgang Umweltberatung.

Zeschmar-Lahl B.: Wasch-, Putz- und Reinigungsmittel. Fernlehrbrief 19 zum Fernlehrgang Umweltberatung.

Hrsg.: Stiftung Verbraucherinstitut Berlin und Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz e.V. (BUND), Bonn, 1991

PCDD/PCDF balance of different municipal waste management methods. I. Municipal waste incinerators (MWI) (1990)

Lahl U., Wilken M., Zeschmar-Lahl B., Jager J.: PCDD/PCDF balance of different municipal waste management methods. I. Municipal waste incinerators (MWI). Poster, DIOXIN’90, Bayreuth, and: Organohalogen Compounds 4, 327-330, 1990

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