October 2021

The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Center – ISC3 – invited the German Umweltbundesamt (UBA) to give a preliminary report about the results of the project. This event will also be part of the ISC3’s Stakeholder Forum on Friday, 12 November from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. CET. With your registration (see below) you will receive a participation link shortly before the event.


  • Christopher Blum (Umweltbundesamt): The idea behind the project, tasks and team
  • Esther Heidbüchel (CSCP) and Henning Friege (N³ Thinking Ahead): Indicators for approaches to sustainable chemistry: Assessment and Examples
  • Panel Discussion: Sustainable Chemistry as a pacemaker for international management for chemicals and waste?
    • Moderator: Achim Halpaap (Independent consultant)
    • Participants: Sandra Averous-Monnery (UNEP), Vania Zuin Zeidler (University of Sao Carlos, Brazil), Xenia Trier (European Environmental Agency, tbc), Bob Diderich (OECD, tbc), Hans-Christian Stolzenberg (Umweltbundesamt)
    • Concluding Remarks: N.N.

If you intend to join this event, please send an email to co*****@is**.org until 30 October 2021.